A few days before Field Day I figured out how to get PSDR 2.6.4 and N1MM Logger to work together using VSP Manager. Some of you may recall the idiotic questions I posted here before I re-read the instructions!

Anyway, I arrived at my Field Day site and set up my antennas, hooked up and fired up my 1500 and my computer. Nothing worked. When I checked VSP Manager I found that the virtual serial connections I'd created days before were all gone. I should be able to figure that one out myself...I guess there's a Save button I neglected to click after creating the virtual connections. No big deal; I told N1MM logger not to look to the radio for anything and then set up my messages in CWX and found it easy to use.

With about an hour left in Field Day CWX choked. Clicking the button that sent my call produced a 1 second delay followed by a 1 second dash, a pause and another one second dash. I can't remember if it stopped after two dashes or if i stopped it myself. Seems to me I got the same result if I tried sending any of the other messages I'd programmed. It's strange to me why CWX would work reliably all weekend and then choke like this.

One more thing, clicking the Keyboard button in CWX has never at any time enabled the keyboard.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Many thanks and 73,

Ken Alexander

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