
Based on the description of your issue, additional information is going to be needed to address your issue and using the Reflector is not the most effective way to assist you. I recommend you submit a support ticket via our HelpDesk ( so our Support Engineers can assign you a case number and investigate your issue further.

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Tim Ellison, W4TME
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On 10/19/2014 6:14 AM, wrote:
Hello all --

When I am using the second receiver in my Flex 5000A for ESC purposes, my transmit audio sometimes becomes garbled. It sounds like my voice is being doubled and mixed with itself a few hertz off frequency. This does not affect receive at all, just transmit, and it is intermittent.

The only real solution is to manually turn off the second receiver before transmitting. A database reset, even back to default settings, is only a temporary fix; the garbling always returns after a few minutes or hours.

Any ideas?



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