Not sure it DDUtil is broken or the newest version of HRD is broken, or maybe 
it's just my computer.  I can't get the HRD server working correctly.  I power 
up PowerSDR.  Then I start DDUtil.  I connects just fine. I have HRD 6.2 
selected and the box enabled.  I previously setup the HRD rig control to 
connect to Flex using PowerSDR and the correct port.  It connects just fine and 
works as it should.  It can then connect to logbook and DM780 and they work as 
they should.  So with PowerSDR and DDUtil running I should just fire up logbook 
and DM780.  Logbook connects but the radio pane says it's SmartSDR, not 
PowerSDR.  A warning popup comes on and say "Object reference not set to an 
instance of an object. at DDUtil_V3.Setup.GetDropdownTextSstring s)".  Logbook 
still follows the radio but the popup won't go away unless the program is 
closed.  I can open DM780 but it also connects as SmartSDR instead.  It pops up 
a fault as soon as you try to transmit.  "Transmit Failed The 9:SMART SDR c
 onfiguration does not have a TX button displayed. Press OK to configure the 
Radio pane layout."  When I select OK I see the interface and it does have a TX 
button...just won't work.  I've tried uninstall, reinstall several times.  
System reboot several times.  Verifed that HRD all works correctly stand alone 
without DDUtil.  I'm pretty much convinced that it has something to do with 
starting up the server and the logbook and DM780 identifying as the wrong 
software.  I tried changing HRD to SmartSDR and connecting.  It kinda works but 
TX hangs and the rig won't unkey.  Obviously not compatible command structure.  
Any idea?  I hate running HRD rig control as it's redundant...only need the 
server.  Used to use Minideluxe, but yet another piece of software to run on 
top of the others.  Grrrr.  Thanks for any suggestions.
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