I've realized that I've been speaking regularly but only to the alpha test 
First,  N4HY is alive and well and speaks to, works with,  advises,  looks for 
opportunities for Flex Radio. I'm actively demonstrating the latest efforts all 
over the place. On occasion there are missteps that have cost us valuable 
opportunities and I had my first one recently. But overall the opportunity to 
show off Flex and brag about all that has been accomplished since 2003 has gone 
super well.
My first foray back into the world with Flex was at Friedrichshafen last summer 
and this quiet but there continued until Dayton when I came out full throated 
and with Flex and even though I'm a director of AMSAT I mostly associated with 
Flex at Dayton. I attended Contest University.
Going around with a radio with your signature affixed to the bottom of the 
radio as a person involved in the architecture of the radio, a contributor to 
the software and firmware through actually writing code in the first few days 
of the life of the 6000 series or to contribute regularly to the design of the 
firmware and software. I've played a much quieter and smaller role in the grunt 
work department but a continuing role in advice and I've never ever stopped 
promoting Flex. But that is getting a lot easier now. As I've left my former 
life, moved to Virginia Tech, and continued my association with Flex, and with 
6000 series maturing rapidly, my efforts at cheerleading and marketing of the 
radios have begun to gain real traction.
On the Flex 6000 series,  I took it to a talk at the Frankford Radio Club, my 
old contest club. Since I'm known as the technical geek contester who likes to 
help the stars contest with better technical things, I continued that role 
after a ingrid hiatus to all contesters and not just to my old friend W2GD.
I emphasized the technical accomplishments of Flex and listened to concerns and 
answered them at the FRC meeting and that has set the tone of future speeches.
I'm now a member of PVRC,  and I'm about to start contesting again personally. 
I'm going to not jump in at the deep end, but I'll contest alone as I rebuild 
my skills except for contesting with close personal friends W5ZN and W2GD.
I went to Dayton with Flex. I interacted nonstop with my old contesting friends 
at Contest University and answered a thousand questions but I dare not brag 
about the radio contesting and DXing at events where K9CT, 4O3A, W0GJ, N2TU 
were already doing this. I answered technical questions by contesters who know 
me and assured many that I was alive and well after a long time away from 
contesting and that I was returning to contesting life. I spoke to many about 
beginning to join DXpeditions as a technical operator while my operating skills 
with modern techniques and software improve.  At Contest stations, I'm a 
problem solver that contests and I'm going to concentrate on improving my 
contesting skills mostly alone.
Now to recent efforts to promote Flex 6000:
I intended to take the Flex 6700 to my friend's tiny station where a couple of 
unknowns come to a gathering every summer: the friend's tiny station W3LPL was 
recently hit by a tornado which has damaged his "tiny station" and made it 
tinier.  It definitely took out one of his tiny towers, the 200 foot tower with 
his ten meter antennas and more and it most assuredly will have done damage 
that is not yet known.  I'm thinking of volunteering my limited time to help 
Frank recover.   The oopsy moment for me this summer was I was going to the 
large PVRC gathering at Frank's  and demonstrate the Flex 6700 and allow 
contesters from everywhere to play on it hooked to Frank's "tiny antennas" 
right before they became tinier by weather. This was NOT successful. I'm an 
alpha tester and rapid changes are happening with Maestro and Flex 6700 and I 
wanted the latest. I updated the software and poof, it bricked the radio. Flex 
overnighted a replacement SDHC but I will not do last minute upgrades to alpha 
software before a major event again unless the current alpha has a major fault 
that would already preclude success.
My latest event was Field Day at N4NRV. I live in the New River Valley in 
Virginia.  This is a lightweight, fun only Field Day where they don't even try 
for publicity and they conduct a hobo operation for the locals. One person 
brought satellite antennas and didn't even hook them up.  I normally make half 
or more of all the QSO'S by doing all nighter, don't get out of my chair 
operation but not this year.
This year I went with the motivation to do "Maestro bar with a single bar 
stool" after seeing the success of Maestro bar at Dayton. It worked. While all 
the old guys were awake my wife and family napped,  flew quad copter,  etc. 
Then after most went to bed, I operated for two hours and made a hundred 
contacts. Then  I helped make two new hams and three new contesters (my twin 
grandsons) and with Maestro got my extra class ham wife to operate and make 
contacts for hours in the middle of the night... This was the first time I got 
her to contest since she got her extra. She was able to use the Maestro 
effortlessly and she's still asleep from having stayed up all night and 
operating with our grandkids.
Mission accomplished!
They will take their exam in three weeks and now they can't wait for general... 
heh heh heh. I bought them (real and not knock off) Baofeng UV5R (buy from a 
dealer and not off Amazon).
Everywhere I go the Flex6700 and the Maestro is of course the star of the show 
and without it I would not be given the stage or be answering a thousand 
It is great to have been and continue to be a contributor to the success of 
Flex Radio and to watch it "cross the chasm" the same way others have, such as 
Elecraft did with contesters. Flex interrupted major work on the 6000 series to 
bring out the Maestro but they are picking up the pace on both now.
It is time to buy  Flex 6000 series radio before you look like the latest 
possible adopter. 
73sBob N4HY 

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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