I am the author of a program designed for blind radio amateurs which allows control of their rigs. JJRadio is, as far as I know, the only software that allows blind hams a significant level of control for a Flex radio. JJRadio supports the Flex 6000 line of radios, although it will only support 2 slices for the 6500 and 6700 presently. It even has a tactile pan adapter for blind hams using a braille display. JJRadio assumes the user is using a screen reader to drive their speech synthesizer and braille display.

The program and documentation are available at http://www.jjshaffer.net/, and is free. If you are a blind ham, feel free to check it out. If you know of a blind ham who might like to use a Flex, but hasn't because the SmartSDR GUI is not accessible, please let them know about the program.
Jim Shaffer, KE5AL
Pflugerville, TX

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