
I recently had to replace the P/S in my desktop. Local availability for minimum downtime was a priority.

I picked up an EVGA 600W ATX12V/EPS12V for $49.99+tax at Best Buy. I have not noticed any RF noise from it at all on any band, including 6m.

73, Ray, K9DUR

On 06/22/2017 10:08 AM, KR7O wrote:
The supply in my Flex computer died yesterday.  Looking for an RF quiet 550W
or greater power supply.  I picked up a Thermaltake Smart 500W supply
because I could source it locally to get working quickly, but it is
unacceptably noisy.  With a significant amount of ferrite, I have tamed the
Thermaltake to be tolerable, but long term it is unacceptable.  Are the
current PC Power/FirePower models which appear to have replaced my OCZ
Fatality supply still quiet supplies?

My highest concern is 6M noise.


73, Robert KR7O/YB2ARO, DM07ba/OI52ee (ex. N7STU)
DXCC 6M #1122
WAZ 6M #112

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