Jonathan Richards
> On Friday 23 Apr 2004 4:11 pm, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > Jon Stockill wrote
> <snip>
> > > They were particularly impressed
> > > with the Seahawk and hunter models, so if Vivian wants to do a 
> > > Seafire version of his spitfire model I'm sure they'd be happy to 
> > > supply some information.
> >
> > The thought had crossed my mind :-) and the transformation into a 
> > Seafire MkIB or MkIIC would be trivial. Got to get the Spitfire IIa 
> > working properly first, though.
> Vivian
> I work for the MoD, and if you think we could get anything 
> useful I'm prepared 
> to write to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight [1] and ask 
> them for 
> information.  P7350 is a MkIIa: "the oldest airworthy 
> Spitfire in the world 
> and the only survivor of the Battle of Britain still flying" 
> [2]. When I was reading the thread about the boost control 
> valve, I couldn't help 
> thinking that we could contact an engineer who would have a 
> definitive 
> answer.  Any good?

I think that would be a very good idea. I think I have evolved a pretty good
idea of what it did from various documents on the web and elsewhere (good
enough for our simulation anyway), but I would be absolutely fascinated to
learn how it actually worked.  Quite a bit seems to get left out. I assume
that it was common knowledge at the time, and they didn't expect guys like
us to be worrying at it over half a century later.



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