Luca Masera wrote:
> about YASim: in which units is measured the oil pressure?
> In JSBSim the value is holded by "oil-pressure-psi" and it's
> measured in psi; in YASim is holded by "epr" but the units
> are missing.

Er, that's an Engine Pressure Ratio , which is a thrust metric used in
early jets in lieu of N1 RPM.  YASim doesn't model oil pressure right
now, because I'm not aware of a good basis on which to do so.  If you
have numbers you want to match for this particular aircraft, I could
write you up some Nasal in just a few minutes which would do the job.
But the idea behind YASim is to produce plausible results for all
possible engines; oil pressure is one of those values that is (AFAIK)
just too engine-specific.

The units are missing, btw, because there aren't any.  It's a ratio.


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