> If it can be set, it can be unset. On a CDROM its on a read only
> filesystem.

Keep in mind, though, that some vulnerabilities only allow things like to
overwrite a file that is root writable, or to append to a file -- not all
vulns allow code execution directly. chattr would have helped in this

Also, if they can turn off chattr +i, what's to stop them from doing
something like mounting a loopback device that looks like a cd-rom?

Also, you need to keep your entire tripwire binaries on that cd-rom, so
that they can not be trojaned to look at a different database.

Also, you need to keep your entire os on a cd-rom so that it can not be
trojaned to run a different binary.

This is all about mitigating risks...you're not going to eliminate them.
The chattr thing can help in some circumstances, so its not entirely
useless. But, yeah, it's probably a good idea to keep the database on


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