OH!!!  <lightBulb state="on" wattage="25"/> 

Yes, you're right, Chris--now I see the issue.  I
implemented validation for about 80% of the FOs, but
80% is not 100%.  fo:table-body never had any
validation implemented, hence the NPE's that were

Sorry, Jeremias, I thought you had just gratuitously
*removed* the validation from fo:table-body -- I
should have researched that it wasn't there to begin


--- Chris Bowditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen:
> All Jeremias was doing was changing the code to
> prevent a rather nasty NPE in 
> the event of an empty fo:table-body. Surely you
> cannot be arguging that the 
> NPE be restored?!?
> Chris
> <snip/>

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