
The image part is not implemented as far as I can remember.

As for the text, is it in the document, is it viewable using the batik viewer for example.
It probably ignores your embedded ttf but will use the fonts available to the jvm.

On 2002.03.12 20:12 Andrius Sabanas wrote:

I would like to know if there is a convenient way to make preview images from xsl:fo documents. I tried rendering to SVG and feeding to Batik's JPEG transcoder, but it seems that the rendered SVG does not contain images specified with <external-graphic/> in xsl:fo. Is this a bug or a not yet implemented feature?

In addition, Batik transcoder does not even display text when JPG is constructed. I am using embedded ttf for displaying text. The ttf is present in my system, of course. Can this be the problem?

Everything is ok when I render to PDF.


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