Thanks Mangus,

That's great info.  (Maybe we can get it stuck into the FAQ? )

I know have 2 working fine. 1 and 3 I still can't get to work
My question about #1 is, how do you know what the relative path is relative too?? I my mind it should be relative to the stylesheet that's calling it but in my experience that doesn't work at all.

For example if I have this setup:
-> doc.xsl (which does a dynamic transform with Xalan into an FO document)
-> logo.jpg

The src="logo.jpg" tag makes FOP complain about  the Invalid URL image.

On Wednesday, March 13, 2002, at 08:44  AM, Magnus Sjöberg wrote:

Ok, you got me started. I looked into this and found out the
following ;-)

In the xsl spec., the src attribute for
<fo:external-graphic> is specified to contain a
For all I know, this is the URI definition as defined in
Looking into this and comparing the three attribute values
that failed I came up with this:

1) src="logo.jpg"
This should work since 'logo.jpg' is a correct relative URI
according to the BNF

2) src="file:./logo.jpg"
This should also work since 'file:./logo.jpg' defines a
correct absoluteURI.

3) src="file://./logo.jpg"
This defines an absolute URI, but the file:// should be
followed by a 'server' or a 'reg_name' according to the RFC.
I believe that the code parsing the file://./logo.jpg treats
the . after 'file://' as a server name, hence the URL error.

Of the three I got 1 and 2 working using Fop-0.20.2,
Xalan-2.3.0 and Xerces-2.0.0 (which is good, since they s h
o u l d work).
Example 3 failed, complaining about Invalid Image URL -
error on relative URL, which I believe is a correct error
The relative URL really is incorrect.

I also used a relative URI as in
src="/root/path/to/images/image.jpg", which worked. (Note
the missing file:)

Hope this 'clears' up some of the fog.


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