On Feb 4, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Ilya Khandamirov wrote:

FOP is popular. I believe, FOP is also good. I just want to find out, how
good it is. My hope is, that either the FOP team or one of the numerous
happy FOP users could provide me with a representative sample.

I want to chime in saying that I am a very happy FOP 'user'. But on-line examples of my work are difficult to provide as they have been setup behind corporate firewalls. Most of my FOP deployments are used to assemble reports on demand.

The components of these reports are drawn from several database servers throughout the companies enterprise, built into a large XML, which is transformed to FO via an XSLT which FOP uses to produce the final PDF. This work in done as a Tomcat servlet. This process is browser driven, the end-user just clicks a link, then receives an up-to-the-minute PDF report. Most have no idea of the complexity which lies beneath, nor should they.

As an outside consultant I have been able to deliver solutions using FOP which meet the clients specifications but also empowers them to enhance the delivered solution, something they really appreciate. They keep bringing me back for more and more projects, and occasionally to fix their XSLT goofs.

The learning curve on XSLT/FOP may be bit steep but the payoffs are huge!


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