Hi Manisha,

have a look at "http://sourceforge.net/projects/documentserver/";
and browse the CVS Repository for 
and have a look at 
1) SimpleSqlToXml.java which converts a ResultSet to XML in the Form
(fast and simple)

2) Sql2XmlFormatter.java which converts a ResultSet with the help of an 
structure file to the form
(Slow but more 'sophisticated')


Am Dienstag, 15. Februar 2005 02:36 schrieb Manisha Sathe:
> Initially i tested creating pdf using static xml/xsl file using following
> dos prompt cmd -
> fop -xml myxml.xml -xsl myxsl.xsl -pdf mydoc.pdf
> Now i want to generate xml/pdf on fly. User will specify search criteria -
> depending on that i will pick up data from database.I want to generate xml
> from this data and use it to create pdf file.
> What is normal practice to do this?
> 1)I am not too sure about how to create XML - whether use SAX/DOM or just
> type it out as a string data 2)e.g If i generate XML o/p as a string -
> whether can i make use of this XML String to generate pdf ? Or i need to
> write this in a file ?
> Pls guide me, if anybody can share sample which shows creation of XML and
> generate pdf from that - would be a greate help.
> regards
> Manisha
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