Manisha Sathe wrote:
I tried yr xml and xsl and i am not getting any error. Now i will check my xml/xsl exactly where i am going wrong but that's my job.

our style shett probably starts with a DOCTYPE declaration, probably for declaring entities like nbsp: <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY nbsp "&x160;"> ]>

Try use a JAXP directly as Jeremias hinted, and be sure to
not override the usual default of not validating the XSLT
for the stylesheet parser. If this doesn't help, check
your JDK version and upgrade if necessary, and check your
classpath and endorsed directories for undesirable XML parser
libraries (there was a Crimson release, rather long ago, which
validated on encountering a DOCTYPE with an internal subset
even if not told to validate)

You can also expand any entity declared in the DOCTYPE in
the stylesheet, and get rid of the DOCTYPE decl completely.


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