
In regards to Chris's comment:

" Are you sure you have specified the font family for the entire document?
If you forget to specify the font-family then it defaults to
"sans-serif,Symbol,ZapfDingbats" By default sans-serif maps to
Helvetica, so that may be how it ends being used in your case."

You are correct. I was missing an explicit font-style attribute in my
headers and footers. The style was bold, so it was choosing Helvetica
and giving me an error about Symbol and ZapfDingbats due to the
font-style="bold" attribute. As you pointed out in the bug which

"When the font-family property hasn't been specified in the FO file, it defaults
to "sans-serif,Symbol,ZapfDingbats". But the latter two aren't available in a
bold variant. When a block of text can be rendered using the sans-serif family
only, warnings are still issued about unavailable Symbol bold and ZapfDingbats
bold. This is likely to puzzle users.

Strangely enough, no warning is issued when font-weight is set to normal and
font-style to italic, although Symbol and ZapfDingbats aren't available in
italic version either."

Calling the fonts explicitly works. But I still am not able to make a
font substitution. If I explicitly or implicitly choose font-family
"Helvetica", I don't get "Nimbus Sans L" as I've set in the
configuration. Am I misunderstanding font substitution? You help is
greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Gregory Buchenberger

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 2:38 AM, Pascal Sancho <pascal.san...@takoma.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> Both Symbol and ZapfDingbats are available only in regular form: neither
> italic, nor bold.
> Fallback to "normal, 400" is an expected behaviour.
> If you don't want to see such Warning in log, I see 3 tips:
> 1/ Explicitely set both font-style and font-weight properties to "normal"
> when such fonts are used.
> 2/ add bold, italic and bold+italic triplets in your config file, using the
> same font file as regular font:
> <font kerning="yes" embed-url="my_font_file">
>  <font-triplet name="MyFont" style="normal" weight="400"/>
>  <font-triplet name="MyFont" style="italic" weight="400"/>
>  <font-triplet name="MyFont" style="normal" weight="700"/>
>  <font-triplet name="MyFont" style="italic" weight="700"/>
> </font>
> 3/ not tried: play with font-substitution
> <substitution>
>  <from font-family="theirFont" font-style="italic"/>
>  <to font-family="MyFont" font-style="normal"/>
> </substitution>
> <substitution>
>  <from font-family="theirFont" font-weight="bold"/>
>  <to font-family="MyFont" font-weight="normal"/>
> </substitution>
> <substitution>
>  <from font-family="theirFont" font-style="italic" font-weight="bold"/>
>  <to font-family="MyFont" font-style="normal" font-weight="normal"/>
> </substitution>
> HTH,
> Pascal
> Chris Bowditch a écrit :
>> Gregory Buchenberger wrote:
>>> Hello,
>> Hi,
>> <snip/>
>>> The gsfonts are registering OK. Where I've used an explicit font it
>>> gets embedded. Yet when FOP has to make a choice it still uses
>>> Helvetica and doesn't embed the Nimbus font in it's place. What am I
>>> missing in the configuration? Also, when I run FOP it always reports:
>> Are you sure you have specified the font family for the entire document?
>> If you forget to specify the font-family then it defaults to
>> "sans-serif,Symbol,ZapfDingbats" By default sans-serif maps to
>> Helvetica, so that may be how it ends being used in your case.
>>> WARNING: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with
>>> "Symbol,normal,400".
>>> Dec 22, 2009 12:00:29 PM org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener
>>> processEvent
>>> WARNING: Font "ZapfDingbats,normal,700" not found. Substituting with
>>> "ZapfDingbats,normal,400".
>> These warnings are actually a known bug, see:
>> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47279. However, this
>> does suggest there are some parts of your XSL-FO for which no font has
>> been specified.
>>> What are those fonts generally used for? Where might FOP need them?
>>> Thanks ahead and Merry Christmas to you all.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Gregory Buchenberger
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