On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 03:21:28PM -0300, Eriberto wrote:
> Hi Christophe and Pierre, how are you?
> I am helping to maintain The Sleuth Kit on Debian. The 4.1.2 version
> is already in testing. I am able to upload the 4.1.3 version[1]. I
> will wait the weekend.
> I have an intent to put TSK in Wheezy Backports. However, I need
> libewf and libbfio there. So, I would like to ask if you can upload
> these packages to bpo or if you allow I do this.


I see no problem if you want to upload to backports. That said, it would
be interesting if you inform me/us if any change is required for the
backport, except the changelog of course.


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