I'm rather new to fossil, but I've been using different VCS for almost 10

I strongly recommend having a copy of the repository on each
station. Considering that disk space is cheap and the repo is small, maybe
less than 100M.
Furthermore you don't have a single point of failure on several components:
Network, the main server, etc

I think that in a perfect world every development station should be able to:
* Replicate all the environment locally using a script (or a documented
* Work isolated from the external world. (without internet, or even local

Of course, this is not always possible.

You can set up a fossil server very easily check [1] or run fossil server.
Also you should use autosync feature: *fossil setting autosync on*
I found faster to use the fossil server to edit tickets because I can skip
syncing. And I open the local web ui when I'm offline.
Other thing to mention is that I think fossil has one of the simplest setup
and more powerful design to work on small teams. Other VCS require a lot of
work to setup and is harder to share everything with everybody by default.


Federico Ramallo
fossil-users mailing list

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