On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Zed A. Shaw <zeds...@zedshaw.com> wrote:
>> I don't know what the hell has been changing lately, but this is really
>> starting to piss me off.  First I get tons of leaves that won't go away
>> and that I have to constantly close over and over, and *now* I'm getting
>> this crap:
>> http://dpaste.de/cY4y/
>> I can put up with the stupid leaves behavior, but this is completely
>> unforgivable.  There's no way in hell *anyone* should be able to get
>> fossil in a state that causes it to REMOVE ALL MY FILES.
> (1) "fossil undo" should restore all your files whenever something like
> this happens.
> (2) I just checked in a change that prints a "panic" message if Fossil gets
> into a state where it might want to delete all your files on an update.
> Still searching for the root cause of the problem....
>> How do I fix this, and more importantly, how is it going to be prevented
>> in the future?
Problem fixed in the latest fossil checkin.

The issue was this:  You were at the tip of "trunk" but there is another
branch ("ws-hybi-7") that starts at trunk.  When you said "fossil update"
without given an argument of what to update to, fossil tried to find the
latest check-in in the current branch to update to.  This computation failed
due to the "ws-hybi-7" branch, and so it tried to update to "nothing".

All of your files should have been preserved.  "fossil revert" or "fossil
undo" or "fossil update trunk" should have restored everything.  Even files
in your checkout that had been edited should have been preserved.  If not,
that is a totally different problem - please report it separately.

>> And no, nobody on my project actually did this.  There's no commit that
>> removes everything, and in fact fossil itself thinks the files are
>> missing after the update.
>> --
>> Zed A. Shaw
>> http://zedshaw.com/
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> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org

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