On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 10:17 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > I suspect there hasn't been anything firm because (a) there is quite a bit
> > of division within the community on the issue and (b) there is some
> > element of "walking on eggshells" around Novell and its endorsement of the
> > environment.
> Agree.
> Also, I think much of the issue has moved on from legal paranoia to concerns
> about adopting a strategy perceived as Microsoft-friendly (at least among
> those who don't adopt a knee-jerk, black-and-white approach to such issues).

there are other fair play issues too

With Novell's customers getting exclusive patent protection for mono, it
seems unfair for everyone else who have a heightened risk. Increasing
mono adoption combined with MS FUD tactics would give Novell an unfair
advantage over its competitors (as Ms tech is more likely to be tainted
with patents obviously)

If novell want mono to be on the agenda then they really have to can
their patent deal - I personally would object to any new mono apps
proposed for Gnome because of it on the grounds I stated above


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