> The problem is that Apple's universal interfaces also include a  
> "round" function, which returns a real instead of an integral type.  

How can one find such a thing himself without trial&error?

Some time ago I had a similar problem with "bool DeleteFile(PChar)" function in 
Windows API and sysutils function "DeleteFile(string):boolean".

"Good" program:
uses windows,sysutils;
const B:shortstring='1.txt';
begin DeleteFile(B); end.

"Bad" program: // Error: PChar expected
uses sysutils,windows;
const B:shortstring='1.txt';
begin DeleteFile(B); end.

While compiler gives a hint about "true" declaration, it does not point to the 
problematic unit.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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