Hi Pierre,

On 01/04/2021 23:02, Pierre Muller via fpc-pascal wrote:

>   This all depend on the debugger capabilities,
> if you can watch changes at a sepecific location,
> the easiest is just to watch InOutRes memory position.

I'm afraid the QL is a computer from the early 1980s and we don't have source level debugging or, unfortunately, watches. :(

The best I have is a watch on a register or a watch on a memory address -- everything is done at the assembly language level, not at the Pascal source I'm afraid. By the time I get to the debugger, I'm dealing in memory addresses.

I'll have a look at the compiler options, there might be a way to get the address of InOutRes that way - with a map file or symbol file etc.

Thank you.

Take care, stay safe.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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