Alecu Ștefan-Iulian via fpc-pascal wrote:

I am interested in making a high-performance project which involves a
lot of math, which is why I am interested in using SIMD (AVX2) on x86_64
(and for fun as well, if I'm honest). I am coming mainly from the C and
C++ world where one has intrinsics (such as `_mm256_add_epi64`, to give
an example from the Intel® Intrinsics Guide). I am most familiar with
GCC (and to a lesser extent to Clang and ICC), where one can access
these intrinsics through headers such as <immintrin.h>. Is there a Free
Pascal equivalent for that?

I have translated the Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives to FreePascal. I can send them if you like.

On MacOS, you can use the Accelerate libraries <> which have headers translated to FreePascal (see the univint pacakage)


Adriaan van Os

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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