

FM 7.2

Flare 4.1




This is more of an online help question that an FM question but I'll
take my chances. 


We have a CHM file that contains graphics that appear only when the file
is invoked outside the application it supports. If you open the
application and click "Help (F1)", the CHM opens but all the images are
broken links. There are no error message, just broken links. If you
invoke the CHM outside the application, all the images appear,
regardless of their file format (PNG, gif, etc.)


We start with the document in FM 7.2 and import it into MadCap Flare
3.1. We then use Flare to build the CHM file.


Jon Harvey

Manager, Desktop Documentation

CambridgeSoft Corporation

100 CambridgePark Drive

Cambridge, MA 02140

(617) 588-9354



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