I am using Frame.

I discovered a neat feature of FM 7.1 that helps a lot.

You can save a .FM file as XML, *even if it's unstructured*. It will use
your paragraph and character tag names as elements, so if you're looking
for all strings that you've marked with the character tag "Term", you
just need to search for <Term>blah</Term>.

Very handy!

I have to caution you that since it's XML, it is *not* line-oriented.
You can't use a typical search and replace tool (like "sed") that is
line-oriented. Fortunately, I know how to handle this.


         Joe Malin
Technical Writer
jmalin at tuvox.com 
The views expressed in this document are those of the sender, and do not
necessarily reflect those of TuVox, Inc.        

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Margulis [mailto:margul...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 4:55 PM
To: Joe Malin
Subject: Re: Glossary tools

Find and replace?

I don't know whether you're in Word, Frame, or something else, but the
logic is the same in any case.

1. Make a copy of the document (you're about to trash it, so this is
strictly a scratch copy).

2. Search for everything that is NOT tagged with your special tag and
replace it with a single space character. If you check the wildcards
option in Word, you can search for NOT-something.

3. Search for a two spaces and replace with one space (or, if you have
large quantities of white space left after step 2, search for ten spaces
and replace with one space, then nine, then eight, ... then two).

4. When you're down to just your glossary words and single spaces
between them, replace the spaces with hard returns and you're done.

Joe Malin wrote:

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