FM 9 Version: 9.0p255
OS: Windows 7, 64 bit

Is there a "skip to next table" command?

I'm using Silicon Prairie tools to check everything in my books for overrides 
(tedious to say the least) and it would be so much simpler to check the tables 
is there was a keyboard command to move from "wherever" in the current table to 
the beginning of the first cell in the next table.

I checked the Frame 9 PDF and also Scriptorium's Unstructured Frame 8 book, but 
no luck.

Any suggestions?

Alison Craig  |  Technical Documentation Lead
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation  |  #130 - 4311 Viking Way, BC, Canada  V6V2K9
T 604-279-8550 ext. 127  |  F 604-279-8559  |  TF 1-866-437-9508  |<>

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