Hi, Alan.

Like you, some time back, I also switched to LaTeX for all my new work. A 
modern LaTeX editor, combined with relativley instant PDF output viewing, is is 
well sufficient for my needs!

Ye, I still have FrameMaker 12 for any old documents for which I need simple 
edits, but it is telling that I have not even loaded FrameMaker on my new 
laptop (now more than 6 or 7 months old). 

Whenever I know I am going to do a ton of edits on a given document, I take the 
text and bring it to LaTeX instead - takes me a couple of days at best, and 
then I am off to the races.

I was a very early user (started with FrameMaker on a Sun 3/50 in 1988), so 
this is a tad sad, but ... 

My reason was the high prices of version updates in the past few years (since 
version 8 or 9 on). Since I am currently on version 12, any upgrade path would 
be at full price and I am not interested in doing that at all.



-----Original Message-----
From: Framers <framers-bounces+syed.hosain=aeris....@lists.frameusers.com> On 
Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 4:31 PM
To: An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software. 
Subject: Re: [Framers] Final note about Adobe Licensing

Thanks for the update Tammy.

It is pretty much as I predicted and as a matter of interest, this week I also 
got confirmation that my licensing issue will remain unaddressed by Adobe.

These days, FM makes a very small proportion of my time and I am thinking about 
cancelling my monthly sub. It will be a shame to do that after more than two 
decades, but hey…

I have not looked at Flare closely but in NZ, Author-It has a larger footprint. 
Most of my work these days is focussed on LaTeX.

Dr Alan Litchfield
PO Box 1941
Auckland, New Zealand 1140

> On 22/06/2018, at 11:04, <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com> 
> <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com> wrote:
> So, I had some offlist inquiries about how the licensing issue went 
> with Adobe, and in a nutshell, it didn't.  Here's a quick summary:
> 1.    Adobe wants proof of purchase or invoice for this extremely old
> software. I bought it so long ago (when it first came out), that I 
> simply do not have that anymore. I do have a registered product, but 
> evidently that is not good enough.
> 2.    Adobe provided an email to me that stated that they would be more
> than happy to charge me out the wazoo for upgrading to the latest and 
> greatest subscription version of CS - Basically, pay every year for 
> what I paid for this one time perpetual license.
> 3.    They also sent the email below:
> You might have been using this license for last couple of years. You 
> are facing this issue now because Adobe is running a new program 
> <http://www.adobe.com/genuine.html> http://www.adobe.com/genuine.html 
> under this, we are running a validation test to check the software is 
> properly licensed or not. We introduced this in 2016 and gradually we 
> are going to cover all our customers those who have unknowingly 
> purchased the non genuine product.  Earlier Adobe was not aware of 
> this counterfeit issue, so even those invalid serial keys were able to 
> register and use it without any interruption, but after Adobe notice 
> this issue all those in valid serial keys were flagged out.
> Uhm, OK, but the whole irony is that Adobe is notorious for licensing 
> problems with valid licenses, so how on earth could an invalid serial 
> number even be allowed to be registered? I don't buy that at all. I 
> can even remember a few times entering a license number wrong for a 
> product and getting an error message and having to double-check and 
> redo my entry!!! So an invalid number going through unscathed for 
> multiple installations throughout the years and then blam, it is dead in the 
> water??
> Compare this experience to the absolutely incredible one that I had w/ 
> Madcap Flare:
> 1.    Had a license transferred to me (the whole process took less than 30
> minutes.)
> 2.    Called support to activate the transferred license - someone
> answered like in 5 seconds  vs. the hour wait on hold with Adobe w/out 
> any help whatsoever.
> 3.    Provided my identifying information, CRS replied "one sec," and
> voila, license was activated, and now working beautifully in Flare.
> 4.    Just downloaded the latest and greatest version of Flare and
> automatically get one month of PLATINUM support (yes, PLATINUM 
> support) for free. Have a whole list of questions I want to ask, 
> submitted them to MadCap and they are setting a specific time for me 
> to use this support to get all my questions answered.
> Final result - Flare purchased and is being used for a new client 
> project with the prospect of another soon. Adobe was absolutely NO 
> longer in the running. . . .I will have to stick w/ Adobe for my long 
> time clients that know it and have been using the setup that I 
> established for them - but going forward, unless a client really balks, it's 
> Flare.
> Tammy Van Boening
> Principal/Owner
> Spectrum Writing, LLC
> www.spectrumwritingllc.com <http://www.spectrumwritingllc.com>
> 303-840-1755
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