Thanks, Tammy, and the others who have responded. Yes, I too am indeed at that 
age where I need to consider my retirement options ... eek!

Happy New Year to everybody!


From: Framers <> on 
behalf of Tammy Van Boening <>
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 8:47 AM
To: An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software. 
Subject: Re: [Framers] Have not seen any emails in this list since ...

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I don't think it's a List issue. It's just that the vast majority of users on 
the list are getting long in the tooth (if they haven't already retired), so 
list traffic has dropped exponentially. Makes me feel a tad lonely and sad 
after being an active member for almost 25 years!! The names that still ring in 
my head that were once so very active on the list . . .

I do know that if you post a question, there's a stalwart group of us left 
(Alison, Mike,  Peter Gold, Fred Ridder, Lin Sims, me, Rick and several others) 
who will always answer.

I do agree with Craig - us few survivors are darn near experts at this point 
(save the one or two Whiskey/Tango/Foxtrot  moments that Frame can still 
provide) and the position of FrameMaker in the marketplace probably doesn't 
support its fervent use any more. I am just glad that I will be fully retired 
before I witness it's death.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2023 for all of us.

Tammy Van Boening
Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com<>


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