Why not tell us your name, location, and the name of the school?

FraneWorks doesn't feel like much of a community anymore. Or maybe I'll just never get used to Internet anonymity, fine on some sex advice board but to me not right for a place like this.

To be contrary, I'd suggest Christopher Maclaine's /The End/ and /The Man Who Invented Gold/. They are very great films, in my view but not in everyone's, with great soundtracks that do not meet your criteria, but they are not "strictly intellectual" either -- far from it. Made with minimal means, they might seem amateurish to someone who hated them.

Then there's my favorite Bruce Baillie sound track, the one for /Tung/. But check into what i mean before renting the film.

Fred Camper, Chicago

On 5/15/2016 2:36 PM, lagonaboba wrote:
For a class I’m preparing, I’m interested in suggestions as to Experimental Films with exemplary, excellent sound design and sound editing. By excellent I mean, complex, layered, inventive, of rich and nuanced timbre….excellent for it’s sonic qualities (as opposed to strictly intellectual qualities). As I plan to rent prints, it would be helpful if the works were available from FMC, Canyon, MOMA or some USA domestic distributor.
I would include:

Baillie’s /Castro Street /&/Quick Billy, /
Kubelka’s /Unsere Afrikareise, /
Hindle’s /Watersmith/
Jack Chambers’ /Hart of London/


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