Hi everybody,
attached a tiny script to convert a FreeBSD install iso image to a
binary ufs image ready to be flashed e.g. on an USB pendrive.

The size of the ufs image is calculated from the iso one. The usage for
the script is quite simple:

./fbsd-install-iso2img.sh iso-path img-path

Once you're done, you can dd the img directly to an USB pen. If you also
want to make a serial-console install image just set the serial variable
on top of the script to 1.

This script is derived from another similar one that I made for the
pfSense project. It was requested for those kind of systems which have
an usb port booting-capable and a serial console.

I hope you'll find it useful. Bye,

P.S.: beer-ware license

FreeSBIE developer (http://www.freesbie.org)
GPG Public key at http://www.saturnero.net/saturnero.asc

# You can set some variables here. Edit them to fit your needs.

# Set serial variable to 0 if you don't want serial console at all,
# 1 if you want comconsole and 2 if you want comconsole and vidconsole

set -u

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 source-iso-path output-img-path"
    exit 1

isoimage=$1; shift
imgoutfile=$1; shift

export tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t fbsdmount)
# Temp file and directory to be used later
export tmpfile=$(mktemp -t bsdmount)

export isodev=$(mdconfig -a -t vnode -f ${isoimage})

echo "#### Building bootable UFS image ####"

ISOSIZE=$(du -k ${isoimage} | awk '{print $1}')
SECTS=$((($ISOSIZE + ($ISOSIZE/5))*2))

# Root partition size

echo "Initializing image..."
dd if=/dev/zero of=${imgoutfile} count=${SECTS}
ls -l ${imgoutfile}
export imgdev=$(mdconfig -a -t vnode -f ${imgoutfile})

bsdlabel -w -B ${imgdev}
newfs -O1 /dev/${imgdev}a

mkdir -p ${tmpdir}/iso ${tmpdir}/img

mount -t cd9660 /dev/${isodev} ${tmpdir}/iso
mount /dev/${imgdev}a ${tmpdir}/img

echo "Copying files to the image..."
( cd ${tmpdir}/iso && find . -print -depth | cpio -dump ${tmpdir}/img )
#bzcat ${tmpdir}/iso/dist/root.dist.bz2 | mtree -PUr -p ${tmpdir}/img 2>&1 > 

#echo "/dev/ufs/${UFS_LABEL} / ufs ro 1 1" > ${tmpdir}/img/etc/fstab

if [ ${serial} -eq 2 ]; then
        echo "-D" > ${tmpdir}/img/boot.config
        echo 'console="comconsole, vidconsole"' >> 
elif [ ${serial} -eq 1 ]; then
        echo "-h" > ${tmpdir}/img/boot.config
        echo 'console="comconsole"' >> ${tmpdir}/img/boot/loader.conf

cleanup() {
    umount ${tmpdir}/iso
    mdconfig -d -u ${isodev}
    umount ${tmpdir}/img
    mdconfig -d -u ${imgdev}
    rm -rf ${tmpdir} ${tmpfile}


ls -lh ${imgoutfile}

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