Summary: devd unnecessarily reconfigures carp interfaces, and
"/etc/rc.d/netif start carp0" loses the advskew setting when an IP
assigned to carp0 is configured on gif0.  This is probably two
separate bugs.

I've got a pair of 7.1/amd64 boxen acting as load-balancers in a CARP
failover pair.  One has advskew 0, the other advskew 100, so that the
first one is preferred.  I also have configured a gif(4) interface on
each to tunnel between two private networks at different sites.  Both
the public and private IP on gif0 are assigned to carp0, and
connections through this tunnel fail over as expected.  Life is good,
except for the following annoyances:

The problem is that if I configure gif0 in rc.conf, the "slave"
(configured advskew 100) comes up with advskew 0 instead, and becomes
the carp0 master on boot about 50% of the time.  If, however, I
comment out the configuration for gif0 in rc.conf and then run the
ifconfig and route commands for plumbing gif0 after the box is up,
carp0 has advskew 100 as expected.  Also, if I use IPs that are unique
to that box for gif0 (and not configured on a carp interface), carp0
is configured properly with advskew 100.  Of course, in this case the
tunnel doesn't fail over.

However, I discovered the problem goes deeper than this.  After
enabling rc_debug and watching the console scrollback, I discovered
that carp0 was initially configured correctly by rc.d/netif, and then
after devd started, it called the (misnamed) pccard_ether script on
interfaces it thinks aren't "up", which includes carp0.  pccard_ether
in turn calls "rc.d/netif start carp0".  Besides needless
reconfiguring carp0 (and doing so incorrectly when the gif issue is in
play), this also calls "rc.d/routing static" again which then
complains about the routes already existing.

I solved the devd issue by telling it to ignore carp attach events, by
installing the following as /usr/local/etc/devd/carp.conf:
# don't have devd call network_start on carp0; for some reason this
#   loses the advskew setting (besides being entirely superfluous).

notify 100 {
        match "system" "IFNET";
        match "subsystem" "carp[0-9]+";
        match "type"    "ATTACH";
        action "echo devd called on $subsystem, type $type";

The second bug is that "rc.d/netif start carp0" always brings it up
with advskew 0 when a carp IP is assigned to gif0, regardless of the
ifconfig_carp0 setting in rc.conf.  If, however, I do "rc.d/netif
stop" and then "rc.d/netif start" (with no interface specified, and of
course from the console), carp0 is brought up with the correct advskew

So then... should I file one or two bugs for this?  Assuming I'm not
missing something, both of these issues seem to be incorrect behavior.
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