On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 05:01:35AM -0500, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> As has been hashed out in -ports@ over the last few days there is at
> least a need to examine weither or not the current ports system should
> remain as is or potentially be re-engineered in the future (estimates
> if and when needed vary from ASAP to 10-15 years).   I have
> volunteered to undertake a feasibility/pilot project to examine what
> changes (if any) are needed in the system (for the purposes of this
> thread I will not venture any of my own suggestions).   I have the
> following broad questions for people:

You would have saved the community a couple of expensive
bikesheds (and more to come, as usual) if you had cared to do
some research. All of the questions you ask have already been
answered hundreds of times on mailing lists over the years. By
starting the cycle anew, I'm afraid, you're only contributing to
the problem.

There are heaps of papers on package management out there. Look
for answers there and you will find them.

Most of us have our own engineering demons, who breed Napoleonic
plans in our heads - to solve every problem in a perfect way. The
sooner we learn to control them, the better.
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