Andriy Gapon wrote:
on 14/07/2008 15:18 Sergey Matveychuk said the following:
version 2.8 is alway > than 2.6. So you must use -f option here:

portupgrade -fo www/neon26 neon28

portupgrade will no update ports on older version if you did not force it.

yes, -f does the job, thanks!
But, on the other hand, hmm, aren't we comparing versions of an apple
and of an orange here?
I think we already had this discussion. neon26 and neon28 are two
different ports (and packages). Yes, they happen to share "neon" in
their names, moreover, they happen to actually be the same software. But
still they are two distinct port.
E.g. what if I used portupgrade -o to switch between devel/fam and

I've already had talk about this issue. But portupgrade was designed this way. Unfortunately I have no time to rewrite the code. Sorry.

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