years back i used FuzzyOcr to combat image spam, I stopped using it after some time went by. Over the last month or 2 I have seen a huge increase in drug spam, bed event type emails, so I went to install FuzzyOcr again. I have migrated to the newer perl 5.10, and this is the first problem I have seen. After the FuzzyOcr install failed, I went to the stage it broke, trying to install that individual stage.

[r...@numail ~]# pkg_add -r !$
pkg_add -r ImageMagick
Fetching Done. Fetching Done.
pkg_add: package 'perl-5.8.9_2' conflicts with perl-5.10.0_2
pkg_add: please use pkg_delete first to remove conflicting package(s) or -f to force installation
pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'perl-5.8.9_2' failed!

Is there a better solution to the image spam problem now?


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