
I would like to run Mailman on a dedicated mail box.  While Mailman
supports virtual domains it cannot provide, say, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from the same installation.

I plan to run Mailman on about three domains and have considered ways to
tie this into the ports system.  My idea is basically:

create the mail/mailman-dom1 port which is something like:

MASTERDIR=      ${.CURDIR}/../mailman
MM_DIR=         mailman/dom1
MM_USERNAME=    mailman-dom1

While this will work (and moving the mailman.sh file via pkgtools.conf)
it will only work for a single installation, afaik.

So my question is:  how can I allow mailman to be installed n times
without overwriting the database, files, etc.?

Thanks very much,

-Lewis Thompson.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
-| msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | url:www.lewiz.org |-
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