
I have an FreeBSD server/firewall running 5-Stable with PF. I want to redirect all udp traffic on port 27902 from the internet to a computer in my network. I used this rule but I have some problem with it: sometimes connections on that port are refused and I can't connect with other players ( it's for a online game ) :

rdr on $extif inet proto udp from any port 27902 -> port 27902

I think the problem might have something to do with the different network interfaces since the traffic is comming in on $extif and has to go to an computer connected to $intif ? And how can I do that ? Can I change it to:

rdr on $extif inet proto udp from any port 27902 -> $intif port 27902

? Or what do I have to do to fix it.

Thanks in advance,

-Frank Staals

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