I see no SCSI adaptor messages whatsoever. Upon boot,
it goes directly from the BIOS post message to the
FreeBSD boot manager. I tried hitting ctrl c
repeatedly but it still just went to the boot manager.
I've tried connecting the hard drive to each of the
two SCSI channels, and not plugging it in at all. The
cable is terminated, of course. I browsed through
everything in the CMOS and didn't see anything else
that looked relevant to the problem. I guess I'm going
to have to contact Tyan, which is disappointing
because they seem to only do e-mail and probably won't
get back to me for several days. I dread the thought
that I may have to send the board back, but it's not
looking good. If you guys come up with any other ideas
in the meantime, let me know. Thanks.

--- Rod Person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 04 March 2006 10:49 am, David LeCount
> wrote:
> > Know any other
> > settings that could be disabling it? Thanks.
> Well, after I did what I did everything worked. But
> if your not seeing any 
> SCSI devices then there is something else up.
> As said. I'd double check the SCSI connection. I'd
> look into the SCSI adapter 
> setting which are seperate from the BIOS, mine is
> accessed by CTRL+C.
> Do you see SCSI adapter messages after the BIOS Post
> and before the FreeBSD 
> boot process?
> -- 
> Rod Person
> http://www.opensourcebeef.net
> http://blog.opensourcebeef.net
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