Oliver Leitner wrote:

Well, it could have different reasons then:

1. your box has been hacked, and you have a somewhat crippled login or
shell, try to replace that things with clean ones.

2. maybe there is something wrong with memory mapping, eventually diag
your ram, or build a new "kernel".

3. its just one of those accidently things that happen every 10 years

4, It is just a bug in login, or it is the normail behavior. :)

As for the first and second assumption, I can guarantee they are wrong. I do a lot of effort to keep the machine secure. As for the second one, this machine has a quite big uptime:

11:44PM  up 83 days,  9:09, 1 user, load averages: 0.04, 0.05, 0.01

It has been running for 83 days without any deficiency.

Gabor Kovesdan
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