On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 07:53:28AM -0700, backyard wrote:
> Out of curiosity...
> So If I made a custom boot cd I could boot a dead box,
> setup the drives and slices, CVSUP the system I want
> to build, tweak the build environment for the proper
> temporary build locations and build a system from
> source and install that system to the now live box,
> boot it and be done?
Basically yes.  When booting from CD though, I'll have
to mdconfig(8) and re-mount at least /tmp, maybe /var
as well.

> also along these lines how do I make the system allow
> me to seed the entropy engine? Usually after an
> install it asks to fill in a screen full of junk, but
> with a custom install it doesn't do this for me, at
> least not the last time I tried. Just curious,
> especially if I attempt the above procedure.
Well, it does this only if the below conditions are

1) You have enabled sshd(8) in sysinstall(8), so it's
   enabled in /etc/rc.conf.

2) This is the first boot, /etc/rc.d/sshd needs to
   generate new SSH keys but random(4) hasn't been
   seeded yet.   (random(4) is seeded by the /random
   and /var/db/random/* files.)

So, if you did a custom install and then rebooted for
the first time, but did not yet enable sshd(8), the
cron(8) will save some entropy, so the time you need
it to generate SSH keys there will already be some
entropy available.

But if you absolutely need to reseed manually, boot
into single-user mode, and type

        rm /entropy /var/db/entropy/*

Then proceed with normal booting.  If sshd(8) is
enabled, it will ask you to enter some entropy.

Ruslan Ermilov
FreeBSD committer

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