> > If you installed programs from packages when you installed the
> > system, you may get problems with version conflicts installing
> > from an updated ports collection - this happens usually when the
> > last release is getting old. In that case, maybe you should clean
> > out the system, deinstall all packages, update ports and start
> > again. This takes time .... but given that 6.2 is coming up.
> It would also thoroughly defeat the purpose of installing from CD!

Not hardly. It doesn't even come close to it. 
> I wonder if I ought to wipe the partitions and start completely over
> with a fresh install, and this time *don't* try to update the Ports.

This is a decision you have to make for yourself. I personally think it to be 
a very unwise choice and one I would never consider, but then...

I would also like to point out that when you ask for help on questions@ and 
someone asks you a question, if you have the information it should be given, 
even if it was already posted on another list. I'm pretty sure that most of 
us don't follow all of the possible lists. So, even if I did follow the gnome 
list, if you said something is already posted there, that's too bad, I'm not 
about to do a lot of extra work trying to help you out. That's time I can put 
to better use working on my own equipment, or helping someone who will work 
with me to help them.

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