
I am running 5.3-RELEASE on a P4 2.4GHz with 512 MB RAM. It is a normal PC 
not a "real" server hardware.

Today in the morning (while I was away from the console) kernel panicked and the
output was "Page fault while in kernel mode" (the guy who wrote that down didn't
write other information). The box was rebooted and the error appeared again in 
3 minutes. After second reboot everything seems to be back to normal.

The load on this machine is quite low, about 0.1; it runs mail server, serves 
web pages and does NAT via pf.

Finally the question: what is more likely: that it is hardware which is causing
troubles or that an upgrade to FreeBSD 5.5 (or eventually 6.1) would help? Or is
there a third possibility?


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