On Sep 12, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:

Chris wrote:

Is there any single source where one can go to see what has been changed on the various components of the OS.

Go to the source :-)


Wow! That's an excellent resource and the bge driver does have numerous changes that all dance around or on the same issues. It appears they've been being addressed for months. Supporting that, two people have responded and said both a Tyan and several IBMs are working perfectly with the Broadcom.

Based on the 6.1-RELEASE-p6 AMD64 system I did yesterday (a different server), I didn't see any of these changes on the source date for if_bge.c. I'm guessing this has to do with how I cvsup and the fact that I remain tracking only 6.1-RELEASE. I used:

*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6_1

in the supfile and these changes are not pulled under that tag. How does one approach that, set the tag to RELENG_6 which does grab these. From the handbook it seems to recommend not moving forward from a "RELEASE" for a production type of implementation. How does one grab specific changes to a driver without actually cvsupping to that entire revision or am I missing something really basic and I should be using the RELENG_6 tag for my production servers? It really looks like that's the version of the bge driver I should be using.

Thanks for all this input, it's pretty embarrassing to idle such a cool server for 6 months ;-),

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