From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am using imap-uw and so I am familiar with the "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE" email which stays on the server.
I find this annoying, so my question is whether -all- imap servers
in the ports have this message that appears. If not, maybe I'll
install another. Otherwise I will learn to live with it.

Are you also aware you can compile at least qpopper with
--enable-uw-kludge in the CONFIGURE_ARGS? That way you can use POP3 and
IMAP together without mutual interference.

I did that with only the UW code for years until I switched to
dovecot. Dovecot has its own little peculiarity that upsets the
dumb old "mail" program, at least over on that GPLed OS. I live
with dovecot these days because it is simple and more or less
dumb to use for my specific needs. YMMV, of course.

{^_^}   Joanne
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