On Sun, 15 Oct 2006 18:42:24 -0500
Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But still I get nothing.
> Perhaps mod_php is no longer available for FreeBSD 5.4?

Please post the output of:

        `pkg_info -L php4-4.4.4`
        `cat /var/db/ports/php4/options`

| /"\   ASCII ribbon   |  GnuPG Key ID | e86d b753 3deb e749 6c3a |
| \ / campaign against |    0xbbcaad24 | 5706 1f7d 6cfd bbca ad24 |
|  X    HTML in email  |        .the next sentence is true.       |
| / \     and news     |     .the previous sentence was a lie.    |

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