Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
 > Before the "devil" controversy flared up, there was no usage of
 > "mascot" in relation to Beastie.

Historically, the daemon image was always used as a mascot
for BSD (not just FreeBSD).  I've always perceived it that
way.  FreeBSD in particular adopted the daemon rendering
by Tatsumi Hosokawa and used it both as a mascot and a
logo (because of lack of a real logo).

 > There is no law or requirement that says that anyone cannot still
 > continue to use the Beastie image as a logo if they want.

Sure, you can use it whatever way you want, subject to the
copyright restrictions.

 > What we got from the contest is simply a second image that can be
 > used as a logo.

What we got from the contest is simply an _official_ logo.
The daemon image is not an officiel logo of the FreeBSD

 > >  Just look at www.freebsd.org.
 > > It doesn't look axed to me.  ;-)
 > If the pro-Beastie people had rolled over without complaining then
 > Beastie would not be on the website anymore.  What happened is that
 > in order to calm the controversy, the website designers continued to use
 > Beastie on the website.  For now, that is.  But there is a long term
 > plan to gradually convince the userbase that Beastie is obsolete, and
 > one of the techniques is rewriting history on the public forums, like
 > you are attempting to do here with your post.

That's pure speculation (and quite paranoid).  The daemon
image is still visible on many FreeBSD.org web pages.
In fact, no less pages than before the contest, and there
is no indication that it might change.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
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