"P.U.Kruppa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> I am trying to connect two virtual Qemu boxes to my "real"
> network. This is what I would like to set up:
>                       | DSL Bridge to Internet|
>                      -----------------------
>                                  |
> ___________     _________________|_________________
> "Real" LAN |---|             |
> -----------    |           FreeBSD 6.2             |
>                |        |                 |        |
>              |  ______|______    _______|______  |
>                | ||  | | |
>                | |   Win2k on  |  |  FreeBSD on  | |
>                | |     Qemu    |  |     Qemu     | |
>                |  -------------    --------------  |
>                 -----------------------------------
> My real LAN uses as gateway to the Internet.
> For now I can only connect one of the two virtual boxes to my real
> network, but not both. This is how I do it:
> # kldload aio kqemu if_tap bridge
> # sysctl net.link.ether.bridge_cfg=rl0,tap0
> # sysctl net.link.ether.bridge.enable=1
> # qemu-system-x86_64 -hda Win2k.img -m 512 -localtime \
>   -net tap -net nic
> When now I try to connect the second virtual box, it will "steal" the
> first box's network connection.
> Ah, yes: This is my /etc/qemu-ifup
>       #!/bin/sh
>       ifconfig ${1}
> Thanks for your help,

Connect the interfaces to a bridge interface, and connect that to the
external interface you want.  Sorry I can't give a full formula, but 
my lab configuration is down for, um, corporate restructuring.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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