On 2007-09-24 14:07, Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I could probably do at least part of this with an ed shell
> script, but sed is probaly more standard.  (I may have asked this
> before, years back: FWIW. Anyhow, don't see it in my
> ~/Mail/freebsd files.)
> How can I automagically delete from $1,155d  AND from the 
> 25th line from the bottom to the last line with sed?  I spent
> hours last night, by-hand saving web files; now I want to get rid
> of the cruft from them.  
> Again, (I think) something like % sed -e 1,$155d < filefoo 
> [[yes?]], but then the last part stumps me.

sed commands like 'd' take a pair of 'addresses'.

I don't know what $1,155 means, but if you mean delete the first 155
lines, then this should be easy:

        sed -e '1,155d'

The second part (deleting the last 25 lines) may be slightly trickier,
as you don't know that you are going to hit end-of-file until you
actually hit it, so some sort of bufferring is required :-/

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