This insanity has nothing to do with Postfix, if you can't find the
cron jobs, start scripts, management agents, ... that are doing this,
go back the FreeBSD list and ask for help to find them.


I run Postfix/Dovecot under FreeBSD 7* since Jan 2007.
I had trouble with postfix by itself on FreeBSD when I first set up a mail server. I then had one of the FreeBSD gurus on the list suggest I run Dovecot to make postfix behave nicely on FreeBSD. That solved my problems. If you havent tried this FreeBSD Postfix/Dovecot based install it may work for you. Also if you are running Dovecot remember just start it in /etc/rc.conf you dont need to start postfix in there as well.
If you are just running Postfix you have to start it in /etc/rc.conf

I strongly suggests the OP sorts his Postfix problems first, then move on. Installing more software that you are not experienced with woulod hardly help. The previous suggestions on how to proceed would be a good start instead.

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