It might be nice if the RootBSD people answered their email inquiries, i
know they have lost customers, me for one for not answering a simple

On Thu, 2008-06-19 at 13:35 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> * Maxim Khitrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-18 22:37:13+0000]:
> > Is anyone here using RootBSD?
> I am using both RootBSD and JohnCompanies.
> > I'm currently with JohnCompanies. Overall, it's been a positive
> > experience, though I wish they offered FreeBSD 7. Beta testing for it
> > was supposed to begin last month, but so far no news.
> Agreed. JC has been fine so far, and I asked them to include me in their
> FreeBSD 7 beta testing when it opens up. I don't think they have a
> schedule posted for when that will start.
> I started out at RootBSD on 6.2, and when FreeBSD 7 was first offered by
> them (about a month ago), they were nice enough to setup a 7.0 VPS for
> me, and give me a liberal amount of time for me to move my data over
> from my 6.2 VPS.
> > My main concern is disk space; I have 2GB for ~$26 per month.
> This too is my only gripe about JohnCompanies. For $29 a month, I only
> get a VPS with 2GB of space -- and they don't allow you to add more
> diskpace unless you upgrade to a higher ($49/month) plan.
> Contrast that with RootBSD, where I pay $19 a month and I get 10GB of
> space.
> On the JC server, one can easily fill up that 2GB by building various
> ports (I did it by running "cd /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick; make
> install"). The RootBSD box comes with 10GB of space which is more than
> enough to build almost any port.
> I am sticking with both for now, only because JC reliability/uptime is
> purported to be excellent. Granted, I've not had any hardware or
> connectivity issues with either provider yet, so I've not yet
> experienced any serious problems firsthand.
> I should also add that they both have excellent customer service and
> response times, I've been pleasantly surprised with how good the support
> from both places are.
> hth,
> Thomas
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