On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 20:39:05 -0500
Ryan Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would recommend fBSD 6.3 instead of 7. You don't need it, unless
> you have a documented reason it has to be 7.0

i thought 7 was supposed to be a big improvement over 6.3:
"Dramatic improvements in performance and SMP scalability shown by
various database and other benchmarks,in some cases showing peak
performance improvements as high as 350% over FreeBSD 6.X under normal
loads and 1500% at high loads."

we've had a lot of trouble though installing 7 on some of our older
machines (6.3 is easy and worked well too) because the cdrom doesn't
always cooperate. but we got it to work with some extra effort, because
we thought it would be better.

is it possible that the older versions work better on older

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